Short Story A Good Man is Hard to FInd by Flannery O'Connor

A man named Bailey intends to take his family from Georgia to Florida for a summer vacation, but his mother, (referred to as "the grandmother" in the story) wants him to drive to East Tennessee, where the grandmother has friends ("connections"). She argues that his children, John Wesley and June Star, have never been to East Tennessee, and she shows him a news article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution about an escaped murderer who calls himself "The Misfit" and was last seen in Florida. The next day, the grandmother wakes up early to hide her cat, Pitty Sing, in a basket on the floor in the back of the car. She is worried that the cat would die while they were gone. Bailey finds her sitting in the car, dressed in her best clothes and an ostentatious hat; she says that if she should die in an accident along the road, she wants people to see her corpse and know she was refined and "a lady." The Grandmother talks constantly during the trip, trying to engage her two grandchildren in games and telling them jokes and a story, about which June Star makes disdainful comments. She recalls her youth in the Old South, reminiscing about her courtships and how much better everything was in her time, when children were respectful and people "did right then." When the family stops at an old diner outside of Timothy for lunch, she talks to the owner, Red Sammy, about The Misfit. He and the grandmother agree that things were much better in the past and that the world at present is degenerate; she concurs with Sammy's remark that "a good man is hard to find."
After the family returns to the road, the grandmother begins telling the children a story about a mysterious house nearby with a secret panel, a house she remembers from her childhood. This catches the children's attention and they want to visit the house, so they harass their father until he reluctantly agrees to allow them just one side trip. As he drives them down a remote dirt road, the grandmother suddenly realizes that the house she was thinking of was actually in Tennessee, not Georgia. That realization makes her involuntarily kick her feet which frightens the cat, causing it to spring from its hidden basket onto Bailey's shoulder. Bailey then loses control of the car and it flips over, ending up in a ditch below the road, near Toomsboro. Only the children's mother is injured; the children are frantic with excitement, and the grandmother's main concern is dealing with Bailey's anger.
Shaking in the ditch, the family waits for help. When she notices a black hearse coming down the road, the grandmother flags it down until it stops. Three men come out and begin to talk to her. All three have guns. The grandmother says that she recognizes the leader, the quiet man in glasses, as The Misfit. He immediately confirms this, saying it would have been better for them all if she had not recognized him, and Bailey curses his mother. The Misfit's men take Bailey and John Wesley into the woods on a pretense and two pistol shots ring out. The Misfit claims that he has no memory of the crime for which he was imprisoned; when he was informed by doctors that he had killed his father, he claimed that his father died in a flu epidemic.
The men then return to take the children's mother, the baby, and June Star to the woods for the same purpose as Bailey and the boy. The grandmother begins pleading for her own life. When The Misfit talks to her about Jesus, he expresses his doubts about His raising Lazarus from the dead. As he speaks, The Misfit becomes agitated and angry. He snarls into the grandmother's face and claims that life has "no pleasure but meanness". In her growing confusion, she thinks that The Misfit is going to cry, so she reaches out and touches his shoulder tenderly, saying "Why you're one of my babies. You're one of my own children!" His reaction is to jump away "as if a snake had bitten him" and he kills her with three shots through the heart.
When the family has all been murdered, The Misfit takes a moment to clean his glasses and pick up the grandmother's cat; he states that the grandmother would have been a good woman if "it had been somebody there to shoot her every minute of her life." The story ends with The Misfit chastising one of his sidekicks, Bobby Lee, for making a comment "some fun!" "Shut up, Bobby Lee," he retorts. "It's no real pleasure in life."

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A Walk to Remember

A Walk to Remember is a novel by American writer Nicholas Sparks, released in October 1999. The novel, set in 1958–1959 in Beaufort, North Carolina, is a story of two teenagers who fall in love with each other despite the disparity of their personalities. A Walk to Remember is adapted in the film of the same name. The story starts with a prologue from Landon Carter at age 57.[6] The remainder of the story takes place when Landon is a 17-year-old high school senior.[7] Landon lives in the small, religious town of Beaufort, North Carolina.[8] His father is a genial, charismatic congressman.

A Good Man Is Hard to Find

A Good Man Is Hard to Find” is one of O’Connor’s most frequently anthologized short stories, and it makes an excellent illustration of her ability to combine grotesque humor with serious thematic material.
The story opens as a family prepares to go on vacation in Florida. The story focuses immediately on the grandmother, who wants to visit relatives in east Tennessee and who uses the escape of the Misfit, a murderer, from prison to try to persuade her son, Bailey, to change his mind. He refuses. The two grandchildren, John Wesley and June Star, are quickly characterized as smart alecks who nevertheless understand their grandmother and her motives very well. When the family sets out, the grandmother is resigned to making the best of things. She is first to get into the car and has even, secretly, brought along her cat. As she rides along, her conversation is conventional, self-centered, and shallow.
When the family stops for lunch at a barbeque stand, their conversation again turns to the Misfit, and the adults agree that people are simply not as nice as they used to be. Later, back in the car, the grandmother persuades Bailey to take a road which she imagines (wrongly, as it turns out) will lead by an old mansion. Suddenly the cat escapes its basket and jumps on Bailey’s neck, and the car runs into the ditch. As the family assesses its injuries, a man who is obviously the Misfit drives up with his armed henchmen. The grandmother immediately feels that she recognizes him as someone she has known all of her life, and she tells him that she knows who he is.

12 Manfaat Jahe dan Gula Merah untuk Kesehatan

Jahe merupakan tanaman rempah-rempah yang memiliki berbagai macam manfaat, tidak hanya pada jahe saja namun ternyata akar jahe serta daun jahe memiliki banyak sekali manfaat. Tidak hanya jahe saja namun ternyata gula merah juga memiliki banyak manfaat untuk kesehatan anda. Adapun manfaat dari kombinasi jahe dan gula merah adalah sebagai berikut
Manfaat jahe dan gula merah
1. Digunakan untuk bumbu masakan
Jahe merupakan salah satu rempah-rempah yang digunakan untuk bumbu masakan, Begitu juga dengan gula merah gula merah sering dimanfaatkan untuk menambah rasa yang sedap pada masakan tertentu. Untuk itu mengapa salah satu manfaat dari gula merah dan jahe adalah dimanfaatkan untuk bumbu masakan.
2. Digunakan untuk bahan pembuat minuman
Bagi Anda orang Indonesia pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan minuman jahe, banyak sekali raga minum air jahe yang dapat anda konsumsi dan Anda rasakan. Tahukah anda bahwa ternyata membuat minuman jahe dicampur dengan gula jawa akan menjadikan minuman jahe tersebut menjadi lebih nikmat.
3. Digunakan untuk mengobati Luka
Salah satu manfaat dari jahe yang dapat Anda rasakan adalah jahe dapat dimanfaatkan atau digunakan untuk menyembuhkan luka ataupun mengobati luka seseorang. Hal ini disebabkan karena kandungan inflamasi yang terdapat di dalam jahe membantu dalam penyembuhan luka
4. Menurunkan berat badan
Tahukah Anda mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah dapat digunakan untuk membantu dalam menurunkan berat badan Anda. Jadi bagian dari memiliki kelebihan berat badan jangan khawatir karena anda dapat menggunakan jahe dan gula merah sebagai solusi termudah dalam menurunkan berat badan.
5. Melancarkan buang air besar
Tidak hanya dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menurunkan berat badan saja, pada kenyataannya mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula jawa dapat membantu seseorang untuk memperlancar buang air besar. Dengan demikian maka akan terhindar dari berbagai macam penyakit yang disebabkan oleh BAB tidak lancar. Jika ingin yang sudah tersedia, dapat memanfaatkan manfaat vegeta untuk membantu memperlancar buang air besar, namun akan lebih aman jika dengan menggunakan ramuan racikan pribadi.
6. Menyusutkan lemak dipaha
Memiliki paha yang besar terkadang membuat kita tidak percaya diri, bagi Anda yang memiliki paha besar karena lemak jangan khawatir, mengkonsumsi gula jawa dan jahe dapat membantu untuk menyusutkan lemak pada paha. 

7. Meningkatkan aktivitas fisik
Tahukah anda bahwa kandungan yang terdapat di dalam jahe dan gula jawa dapat dimanfaatkan untuk membantu meningkatkan aktivitas fisik Anda sehingga Anda akan tetap terjaga dan tidak mudah merasa lelah. Dengan meningkatkan aktivitas fisik tentu akan membuat tubuh dan stamina menjadi lebih baik lagi. Maka dari itu apabila dengan jahe dan gula jawa aktivitas dan stamina fisik dapat meningkat, harus digunakan untuk berolahraga. Karena dengan olahraga akan memberikan manfaat olahraga seperti kondisi badan menjadi lentur, metabolisme lebih kuat dan lain sebagainya. 
8. Mengatasi perut buncit
Tidak hanya para pria saja Bahkan bagi wanita memiliki perut buncit menjadikan penampilan mereka tidak maksimal. Untuk itu bagi Anda yang memiliki perut buncit Anda dapat mengatasinya dengan mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah, sebab jahe dan gula merah dapat dijadikan solusi termudah untuk mengatasi perut buncit. Manfaat jahe merah pun demikian, ia juga dapat membantu mengatasi perut buncit.
9. Membantu proses diet
Selain dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi perut buncit, mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah akan membantu anda untuk memperlancar proses diet anda. Bagi Anda yang sedang melakukan proses diet mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah dapat dijadikan solusi termudah untuk memperlancar diet anda.
10. Sebagai anti inflamasi
Seperti yang telah dijelaskan diatas bahwa jahe memiliki kandungan inflamasi sehingga jahe dapat membantu anda untuk mengurangi atau menyembuhkan luka. Untuk itu ketika anda memiliki muka anda dapat dengan segera mengatasinya menggunakan jahe.
11. Mengatasi sakit maag
Sakit maag dapat disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, namun bagi anda memiliki sakit maag jangan khawatir karena anda dapat dengan segera mengatasi sakit maag menggunakan jahe dan gula merah ini. Kandungan yang terdapat di dalam jahe dan gula merah sangat efektif untuk membantu dalam mengatasi sakit maag yang anda Derita. Untuk mengatasi maag, biasanya selain dengan jahe dan gula merah, para pendahulu sering memanfaatkan manfaat daun sirih untuk maag, ataupun manfaat buah naga untuk maag
12. Mengatasi migrain
Banyak sekali manfaat yang akan anda peroleh ketika anda mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah ini. Selain dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi sakit maag ternyata jahe dan gula merah juga dimanfaatkan untuk mengatasi migrain.
Itulah 12 manfaat jahe dan gula merah yang dapat anda ketahui serta dapat Anda rasakan kebermanfaatannya ketika anda mengkonsumsi jahe dan gula merah. Semoga dengan adanya artikel ini dapat menambah wawasan serta menambah pengetahuan anda tentang manfaat jahe dan gula merah.

Short Story A Good Man is Hard to FInd by Flannery O'Connor

Download here A man named Bailey intends to take his family from Georgia to Florida for a summer vacation, but his mother, (referred to ...